Rail Location Cases and Cabinets | Railway Metalwork Supply

Manufacturing for the Rail Industry

Hydram Sheet Metalwork supplies metal components and fabrications to companies in the aerospace, bus and coach industries, and has been working with rail trackside equipment (location cases/cabinets, LOCs) and rolling stock manufacturers since 2012.  As a leading sheet metal rail industry fabricator, Hydram has the experience, expertise and capacity to handle significant contracts direct from tier-1 manufacturers.  Hydram supplies metalwork for rolling stock, both for train car interiors and exterior subassemblies, and has built a reputation for excellence in railway metalwork supply.

Rail Location Cases and Cabinets

Hydram Sheet Metalwork manufactures metal boxes, metal cabinets and metal enclosures for many industries, including heavy duty railway trackside location cases (LOCs), metal cabinets, trackside equipment cases, pedestals and other railway metalwork for signalling and electrical installations in the UK.

As a subcontract metal fabrication company, Hydram Sheet Metalwork has the expertise and capability to manufacture finished custom metal enclosures and metal cabinets for many industry sectors from power generation through to scientific equipment, communications and printing presses.  It has more than five years’ experience manufacturing rail location cases in both standard and heavy-duty/high-security configurations.

The metal enclosures and cabinets manufacturer, fabricates a huge range of metal products ranging from relatively simple brackets and boxes to fully integrated enclosure units containing up to 200 subparts.

painted sheet metal fabrications

Location Cases | LOCs

The precision sheet metal cabinets are specialist powder coated or wet painted to meet exacting customer standards with regard to salt-spray corrosion testing.  Depending on the cabinet size, location cases can pass through either a three-stage or five-and-a-half-stage pre-treatment process to ensure that they are fully degreased and chemically-coated.

Finished metal cabinets are supplied complete, including silk screen printing or brand labelling as appropriate.

Location cases are packaged to customers’ requirements ready for delivery to end users work sites.

tube cutting laser machine close up

Rail Industry Fabricator | Metwork Capabilities

Metal fabrication company Hydram Sheet Metalwork has extensive in-house manufacturing capabilities, ranging from flatbed and tubular laser cutting through to welding, fabrication, powder coating and assembly.

Hydram Manufacturing Capabilities >

Hydram Plant and Capacity List >

Why Choose Hydram? >

Hitachi IEP nose

Precision sheet metalwork supply for UK railway industry

Hydram has a successful history in rolling stock metalwork supply since 2016, when it was selected by Hitachi Rail Europe to supply metal fabrications for the Intercity Express Programme.  Alongside this project, Hydram secured further work from Hitachi including the Scotrail Franchise project.  In total, Hydram supplied more than 1,000 different parts and assemblies to Hitachi Europe and Italy, the majority of components supplied being for carriage interiors, including hand poles, painted interior panels, various bracketry and exterior under-floor assemblies.  Hydram went on to supply other tier 1 manufacturers such as Alstom, CAF and Siemens.

Railway Location Case

Quality Certification in the Rail Industry

The diversity of the metalwork products and components manufactured for various transportation industries requires the full range of Hydram Sheet Metalwork’s equipment and flexibility as well as stringent quality standards, particularly in the railway industry.

Hydram is certified to the following quality standards:

  • ISO 9001:2015 Quality Standard
  • ISO 3834-2 Welding Standard
  • BS EN 15085-2 CL1 CWRVC Railway Welding Standard
  • EN 17460 / DIN 6701 standard for adhesive bonding in rail industry
  • ISO 14001 Environmental Standard

Certification Information >

Sheet Metal Fabrication Company

Hydram is a highly experienced supply chain partner, with an established and enviable reputation in precision sheet metal fabrication and metalwork in the UK rail industry in particular.

Since 1977 it has worked closely with customers to establish long-term partnerships, developing its sheet metal fabrication expertise, maintaining multiple quality, ISO, and associated certifications, and grown to be a leading subcontract fabrication company and expert in sheet metal manufacturing.

With a culture based on customer satisfaction, Hydram Sheet Metalwork strives for maximum productivity, quality and level of service whilst maintaining competitive prices through continuous improvement initiatives.

With decades of experience manufacturing metal cabinets, Hydram is a precision metal enclosure manufacturer and metal cabinet manufacturer.

You can contact our sales engineers to find out how this rail industry fabrication supplier can help with your project.